Friday, October 28, 2005

So the new routine of Wednesday/Friday seems to work. I got up at 5:30 again this morning and was out by 6:20. Decided to reverse my route to mix things up. Boy, it really played a trip on my head. By about the third mile, I started anticipate[anticipating when I would reach my next landmark. And when another jogger passed me, I really got anxious, just like a real race situation.

Turned out to be a good thing, though. I worked through the anxiety and ended with the same time I would had I run the regular route.

Great news to pass on: I am now officially a paid writer. The American Standard began filming this week and I got the check today. I can't describe how accomplished I feel. Feels great. Now, on to the next one.

That's all for now.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Yesterday's run was pretty good. It began a little slow and I wasn't sure if that had to do with it being 6:30 on a Sunday morning, or my own weary body. But I was amazed that by mile 6 I felt great and even considered extending the run past 7 miles. I'm glad I did not. My shoes, on their last legs, are shot and my legs were killing me all day.

While running, I also came up with a new plan. I think that next year I'll run in the Santa Clarita Marathon/1/2 marathon instead of whatever run the Cf Foundation is involved with. Not only will it be less hassle, but the training will end before Thanksgiving and I can use the holidays to recoup instead of stressing over missed long runs.

On another level, it feels appropriate to have the training and fundraising culminate so close to Jake's birthday (the SC Marathon is in early November). So, that's the plan for next year, Until then... Carlsbad here we come.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Had an awesome run this morning. 4 miles is just under 45 minutes. Woke up at 5:30 (not entirely by choice) and got out of the house around 6:10. The weather was cool, but not so cold that I needed sweat pants, like Wednesday. As I circled back toward home, the sun broke over the horizon and the sky came alive with a glowing yellow and orange hue. The trail I ran lead behind a subdivision and huge stacks of woodchips sat off to the side of the pavement. Steam rose from these sweet, woodsy smelling masses, reminding me of oversized dung heaps.

As more light came upon the day, I was amazed to see my breath. Was it really that cold out? I hadn't felt this good running in a long time. Maybe it's Beth becoming a part of the team and feeling a challenge. Maybe it's me just getting my ass in gear, finally. Not sure, but it felt great to bee running.

Got to work and Dave had emailed me the proofs for the magnets. We should have them in a couple of weeks. They look great. Sophie's design is wonderful.

Something about a good run in the morning. Puts me in the right frame of mind to have a good day.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

So, it's great to see that Beth has made an entry. Very exciting to me.

Had another one of those moments this morning. Jake asked how old I am. I said, "I'm 35, Jake." He said, "I'm 34, Daddy." The cuteness of that exchange was ruined in my head when the first thing that came to mind was the mediaan age of people afflicted with Cf.

Even an innocent moment with my son is ruined by this disease.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A small reminder of the nature surrounding our neighborhood: This morning, as I ran for 40 minutes, a woman stopped me to pint out a coyote that was roaming around one of the new developments. She was nervous and walked off in the opposite direction. I stood and stared at the coyote for a moment before it turned and darted back into some brush and probably wandered into the hills.

It's easy to forget that these animals inhabited the land we live on before some developer decided that Santa Clarita was the new hot spot to live.

My run this morning felt very good. I'm always amazed that after several days off, I'm not as lethargic as I think I should feel. Gives me hope that I'll be okay come January. I just have to stay motivated.

worked on the letter yesterday. Waiting to hear back from Dave.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ran this weekend, but not the full 7 I was supposed to. Wanted to get home and clean the house some before Jules and the kids returned from Ohio. I was geared up to run this morning, but it was pouring rain. No one in their right mind would go out in this weather.

Beth called on Sunday and she completed a half marathon that day. Way to go Beth. She's all set to take care of her portion of this year's marathon.

On "Grey's Anatomy", a medical drama we watch on Sunday's, one of the hospital patients was a man afflicted with CF. I know it was fiction, but both Julie and I were a little disappointed with the portrayal. As sick as this guy's lungs were supposed to be, he did not have a cough, and he looked way too healthy (despite the plot line that he was a triathlete). Still, for thee millions of viewers who watched that show that night, CF was in their minds and they couldn't help but be moved when the character died during surgery. The writers were smart to have his reason for being hospitalized have something to do with his pancreas and not the lungs.

When he did die, I was sad and a little pissed. Is this the only end for CF patients on TV. Jake had joined us on the couch and I held his arm while the scenes played out.

I should be doing more. Have to write my letter. Feeling like I'm letting everything slide.


PS- Invited Beth to join in on the blog entries.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Julie and the kids have been away all week and it's been a struggle to get up and running. I hate when they're away because I end up staying awake too late. For example, why would anyone sit through 5 hours of Lord of the Rings movies unless they had a lot of time on their hands. They come tomorrow and I'm very excited. My lack of dedication is bothering me, though I do not fear that I won't be able to run the half marathon.

Spoke with Dave earlier in the week and the magnets should be here in two weeks. I'm going to work on my letter next week and have it ready by the time the magnets arrive.

This year really has been different than the other two. I feel like there is so much going on. Not just activities, but also just mental fatigue. My new MP3 player is now chock full of music. More music than I'll probably ever listen to (at least, during a ha;f marathon).

I really like the new job. I think this is a great working environment and a place to grow. Feels strange that I'm saying that at age 35. Shouldn't I already be set in the career I'm want? Then again. I have a couple movies being made within the next six months, so I should stop whining. I like animation and it continues to provide for us. If I can continue to work here while writing scripts, life will be awesome.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Once again, a successful morning run. Still didn't get in the full time I was supposed to. I guess I'll have to wake up earlier. Great. Still, with the new MP3 player, the music really carried me along and I felt like the running was becoming a little easier.

Jules and the kids are going back to Ohio for a week starting Saturday and I'm already missing them. With the new job keeping me later into the night, my evening quality time with them is limited. And the mornings... Well, let's just say no one is at their best in the morning, except maybe Sophie. She always has a smile on her face. She received an award at school yesterday for excellence in reading. I'm so proud of her. I have to watch myself, though. She got a grade on giving an oral report to her class and everything was "Outstanding" except for one "Good" and I immediately commented that she didn't get a "perfect" grade. What's up with that, man? Instead of looking at the immensely positive of the grade, I zeroed in on a negative.

Man, that's something I thought I'd never do and I really have to become more aware of it. Just another sign that I am more like my parents than I thought.

But, back to my point. I feel like my quality time with the kids has been slipping away. I relish the weekends more than ever. I know it's just a week, but I'm going to be pretty lonely by myself, that's for sure. Perhaps I'll see some movies. I doubt I'll get any writing done. What I write next is kind of up in the air. My mind's still not in it, yet. Yet, I'll continue to use this new energy for running and press harder the few days I don't have to be home to help get Soph ready for school.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ran for almost 30 minutes this morning. I was tired getting up, but one I got out there, the cobwebs cleared and I felt good. Need to get new shoes this weekend. These old ones (whoch are a 1/2 size too big) have lost their cushion. My legs are achy every time I complete a run.

Purchase a new MP3 player yesterday. Nothing fancy, just something to use for my runs to help pass the time.

Not much to report on our front. Work is going well. Heard from Steve this afternoon. Always good to talk to him. Watched some more of that Scorsese Dylan documentary and ow I'm of to bed.


Monday, October 03, 2005

After not running all of last week (can we really count my Monday run?), I hit the pavement on Sunday morning with new vigor. The first week of work was behind me. The rewrites of American Standard are of the past. And all of the hanging chads that needed to be worked out in order for us to move on had been accounted for. So, when I took off running Sunday (which will become my new long run day), I had a calmness about me that I had not had in a long time.

I attacked my old foe, the Decoro hill, and was pleased that I was winded when I reached the top. I was actually pushing myself instead of going trhough the motions. And man, my body STILL hurts. But it's a good pain. A reminder that I'm out to raise money to beat this disease.

The magnet design has been sent to Dave (and he received it) and so far, it looks like we'll have the magnets by the end of October. I have a couple of weeks to write the leeter, so I better get started.

I feel positive about the run for the first time since I began. Figures it was at the turn of the month.
